SSC CGL 2017 Antonyms PDF Download

SSC CGL 2017 Antonyms PDF Download

In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the word opposite in meaning to the word given.

[SSC CGL 05-08-2017] Q 1. Irk
1) Attract
2) Discourage
3) Irritate
4) Please
Correct Answer: Please.
(Irk सताना), (Attract आकर्षित करना), (Discourage हिम्मत तोड़ना), (Irritate उकसाना), (Please आनंदित करना)
Ex – She likes to irk us with his irrelevant questions.

[SSC CGL 05-08-2017] Q . 2. Grotesque
1) Free
2) Odd
3) Plain
4) Queer
Correct Answer: Plain
(Grotesque विचित्र) , (Free मुफ्त), (Oddअजीब), (Plain सामान्य),(Queer विचित्र),
Ex – His style is grotesque.

[SSC CGL 05-08-2017] Q . 3. Nugatory
2) Futile
3) Unreal
4) Productive
Correct Answer: Productive
(Nugatory व्यर्थ का) , (Delusive धोखे से भरा हुआ), (Futile व्यर्थ), (Unreal अवास्तविक), (Productive उत्पादक),
Ex – Jay’s nugatory comments contributed nothing to the group discussion.

SSC CGL 05-08-2017] Q 4. Naïve
2) Candid
3) Credulous
4) Sincere
Correct Answer: Artful.
(Naïve अनुभवहीन ),(Artful धूर्त, चालाक ),(Candid स्पष्टवादी), (Credulous विश्वासप्रवणत),(Sincere ईमानदार),
Ex – she was naive enough to believe him.

SSC CGL 06-08-2017] Q 5. Incapacitate
1) Cripple
2) Facilitate
3) Maim
4) Immobilize
Correct Answer: Facilitate
(Incapacitate अयोग्य बनाना ), (Cripple बिगाड़ना), (Facilitate सुगम बनाना) ,(Maim), (Immobilize स्थिर करना),
Ex –Black magic can incapacitate a person for several days

[SSC CGL 06-08-2017] Q .6. Sentience
2) Appreciation
3) Consciousness
4) Perception
Correct Answer: Disregard
(Sentience बोधक्षमता, पर्वाह करना),(Disregard पर्वाह न करना), (Appreciationप्रशंसा), (Consciousnessसमझ), (Perceptionअनुभूति)
Ex – Sentience makes a person respectable

SSC CGL 2017 Antonyms PDF Download
[SSC CGL 06-08-2017] Q .7. Hazardous
1) Perilous
2) Precarious
3) Dicey
4) Secure
Correct Answer: Secure
(Hazardous खतरनाक, जोखिमभरा),(Perilous खतरनाक), (Precarious अनिश्‍चित), (Dicey), (Secure सुरक्षित),
Ex – Smoking and drinking are hazardous for health.

[SSC CGL 06-08-2017] Q .8. Advocacy
1) Discouragement
2) Advancement
3) Assistance
4) Backing
Correct Answer: Discouragement
(Advocacyपक्षसमर्थन , सिफारिश),(Discouragement निराशा , उत्साह भंग करने का कार्य), (Advancement उन्नति), (Assistance सहायता), (Backing समर्थन),
Ex – His advocacy of social issues led him to become a doctor.

SSC CGL 2017 Antonyms PDF Download
[SSC CGL 07-08-2017] Q .9. Gregarious
1) Affable
2) Genial
3) Introvert
4) Urbane
Correct Answer: Introvert
(Gregarious सामाजिक), (Affableमिलनसार), (Genial मिलनसार, हंसमुख), (Introvert अंतर्मुखी), (Urbane शिष्ट) ,
Ex: – Mr. Sharma is such a gregarious and outgoing person.

[SSC CGL 07-08-2017] Q .10. Tremulous
1) Feeble
2) Frugal
3) Stable
4) Vital
Correct Answer: Stable
(Tremulous डरपोक, कम्पायमान),(Feeble कमज़ोर), (Frugal मितव्ययी), (Stable स्थिर), (Vital महत्वपूर्ण),
Ex: – I opened the door with tremulous fingers.

[SSC CGL 07-08-2017] Q .11. Evanescent
1) Enticing
2) Fleeting
3) Erratic
4) Elusive
Correct Answer: Enticing
(Evanescent शीघ्र लुप्त होनेवाला, क्षणिक), (Enticing मोहक), (Fleeting क्षणभंगुर), (Erratic अनियमित), (Elusive हाथ न आनेवाला),
Ex: – Outlook is evanescent, behaviour leaves footprints.

[SSC CGL 07-08-2017] Q . 12. Panegyric
1) Noxious
2) Criticism
3) Fantasy
4) Grandeur
Correct Answer: Criticism
(Panegyric सराहना),(Noxious हानिकारक), (Criticism आलोचना), (Fantasy कल्पना), (Grandeur शान),
Ex: – He wrote a poem of panegyric.

SSC CGL 2017 Antonyms PDF Download
[SSC CGL 07-08-2017] Q .13. Raucous
1) Dulcet
2) Hoarse
3) Jarring
4) Torrent
Correct Answer: Dulcet
(Raucous कर्कश, बेसुरा), (Dulcet मीठा, आनंदकर), (Hoarse कर्कश), (Jarring विवाद), (Torrent धारा, बौछाड़),
Ex: – The raucous clamour of alarm sounded from the house.

[SSC CGL 07-08-2017] Q .14. Predilection
1) Inclination
2) Enduring
3) Enmity
4) Domicile
Correct Answer: Enmity
(Predilection पहले से पसंद), (Inclination झुकाव), (Enduring टिकाऊ), (Enmity शत्रुता), (Domicile आवास),
Ex: – He has a predilection for writing articles.

[SSC CGL 08-08-2017] Q .15. Meretricious
1) Brazen
2) Natural
3) Exemplary
4) Gaudy
Correct Answer: Natural
(Meretricious दिखावटी), (Brazen बेशर्म), (Natural प्राकृतिक), (Exemplary उदाहरणात्मक), (Gaudy भड़कीला), (),
Ex: – I do not like meretricious and superficial people.

SSC CGL 2017 Antonyms PDF Download
[SSC CGL 08-08-2017] Q .16. Nebulous
1) Definite
2) Inchoate
3) Dismal
4) Sullen
Correct Answer: Definite
(Nebulous अस्पष्ट), (Definite), (Inchoate अपूर्ण), (Dismal निराशाजनक), (Sullen उदास),
Ex: – Fantasy is a nebulous thing.

[SSC CGL 08-08-2017] Q .17. Colossal
1) Epic
2) Rust
3) Teeny
4) Vast
Correct Answer: Teeny
(Colossal अति विशाल), (Epic महाकाव्य), (Rust जंग,अस्वस्थ दशा), (Teeny), (Vast), Ex: – The businessman earns a colossal amount of money.

[SSC CGL 08-08-2017] Q . 18. Opprobrium
1) Adulation
2) Ignominy
3) Mystical
4) Preclude
Correct Answer: Adulation
(Opprobrium अपमान, कलंक),(Adulation चापलूसी), (Ignominy बदनामी), (Mystical रहस्यमय), (Preclude रोकना),
Ex: – He was the opprobrium of our community.

[SSC CGL 08-08-2017] Q .19. Multifaceted
1) Adroit
2) Handy
3) Pliable
4) Simple
Correct Answer: Simple
(Multifaceted बहुमुखी),(Adroit निपुण), (Handy सुविधाजनक), (Pliable लचीला), (Simple सरल) (),
Ex: – He has to play multifaceted role in his daily life.

[SSC CGL 08-08-2017] Q .20. Trepidation
1) Bold
2) Calm
3) Fear
4) Violent
Correct Answer: Calm
(Trepidation घबराहट), (Bold साहसिक), (Bold साहसिक), (Fear डर), (Violent हिंसा करनेवाला),
Ex: – With some trepidation , She opened the door.

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