SSC CGL 2016 Spotting Error

Q31. Beside, writing is my hobby, (A) / I had ideas for a couple of short stories (B) / that needed further thought. (C) / No Error (D).  [SSC CGL 31-08-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: A
Explanation:- Beside means के पास में , Besides means के अलावा
Replace “beside” by “besides”

Q32. He recommended (A) / my case (B) / with the supervisor (C) /
No Error (D). [SSC CGL 31-08-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C
Explanation:- Recommend something to someone means to tell someone that something is good or useful, or that someone would be suitable for a particular job/work/task/business etc.
Replace preposition “with” by “to”

Q33. Her knowledge in English (A) / gives her great advantage (B) /
over me. (C) / No Error (D). [ 31-08-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: A
Explanation:- knowledge of something means to have understanding/information/awareness/expertise etc. about something.
Ex – My brother has the knowledge of driving.
Replace preposition ”in” by “of”

Q34. If you permit me to speak the truth (A) / I shall state without
hesitation (B) / that you have done a mistake (C) / No Error (D)
[ 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C
Explanation:- The correct uses is “make/made a mistake” . Do not use do/did/done a mistake .replace “done” by “made”

Q35. I succeeded persuading him (A) / to come with me (B) / only
after hours of argument (C) / No Error (D)
[SSC CGL 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: A
Explanation:- succeed in something means to accomplish something desired or intended.
Ex- He succeeded in convincing his parents for higher study.
Write “I succeeded in persuading him”

Q36. Vermin (A) / does much harm (B) / to crops (C) / No Error (D)
[SSC CGL 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B
Explanation;- The subject vermin is plural , the verb used for the plural subject must be in plural form . The correct uses should be “do much harm”

Q37. If the farmer got a washing machine(A)/his wife can(B)/do the
laundry quickly(C)/No error(D). [SSC CGL 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B
Explanation:- The given sentence is in past tense so use could ( the past form of can ) in part (B)

Q38. They had often heard (A)/about the ship (B)/they have to travel
On (C)/No error (D). [SSC CGL 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: D
Explanation:- no error. Some student may answer option (C) as the preposition used here at the end of the sentence, but not, we may use preposition at the beginning /middle / end of a sentence. ex- What are you searching for?
Where are you coming from?

Q39. He’d no sooner (A)/seen one continent (B)/when he saw
another(C)/No error(D). [SSC CGL 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C
Explanation:- The correct correlative of “no sooner” is “than”
Replace when by than. When is the correlative of hardly/scarcely.

Q40. He was(A) / very kind enough (B) / to invite me (C) / No
Error(D). [SSC CGL 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B
Explanation:- No need to use double adverb of the same meaning , use either very kind or kind enough.

Q41. Police reports claim that (A) / substantial seizure of cocaine have
been made(B) / in the last two months.(C) /No Error(D).
[SSC CGL 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B
Explanation:- For singular subject “ substantial seizure “ the verb must be in singular form , the correct uses should be “substantial seizure of cocaine has been made”

Q42. Every conceivable race and nationality(A) / had its shared of
suffering(B) / in the world wars (C)/No Error(D).
[SSC CGL 01-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B
Explanation:- The correct uses is share of suffering , write “had its share of suffering “in part (B)

Q43. Can I have (A) / a loaf of bread (B) / and a jam jar? (C) / No
error (D). [SSC CGL 02-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C
Explanation:- Do not write “and a jam jar” , use either “and a jar of jam” or “and some jam”

Q44. Now that I am back at work, (A) / I have beginning (B) / to feel
much better. (C) / No error (D). [SSC CGL 02-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B

Q45. The artist, plainly a better critic (A) / than painter, destroyed
what (B) / he made over for ten years. (C) / No error (D) .
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C
Explanation:- for and since are used in perfect tense , change the tense form to past perfect and the time denoting word should come after for or since hence the correct uses is “ he had made for over ten years.”

Q46. The leader (A) / with all his followers (B) / are send to prison.
(C) / No Error (D) . [SSC CGL 02-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C
Explanation:- when two nouns or pronouns are connected with the following words the verb should be according to the first noun or pronoun –
As well as , in addition to , besides , together with , accompanied by , like , unlike , with , along with, , led by , headed by , guided by , rather than and not etc. For singular subject ‘the leader’ replace “are” by “is”

Q47. Do you know (A) / whom the (B) / next speaker is? (C) / No
Error (D) . [SSC CGL 02-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B
Explanation:- who is used in the subject position in a sentence, while whom is used in the object position, and also after a preposition.
Ex- Who made this decision?
Whom do you think we should invite?
Here in the subject position use who (whom)

Q48. He is having an attack (A) / of fever everyday (B) / for the last
few days. (C) / No Error (D) . [ 02-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: A

Q49. The reason Janet came dressed (A) / as Lady Gaga
was because she’d been told (B) / it was a costume party (C)
/ No error (D). [SSC CGL 02-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B

Q50. The path to (A) / the famous church passes (B) / through a forest (C) / No error (D). [SSC CGL 02-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: D

Q51. A first European sailor (A) / who came to India (B) / was
Vasco­ da­Gama (C) / No error (D). [ 02-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: A

Q52. The trek is difficult (A) / but it is far worth (B) / the
endeavour. (C) / No Error (D) . [SSC CGL 03-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B

Q53. What man can die (A) / better than (B) / serving his
country? (C) / No Error (D) . [SSC CGL 03-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: A

Q54. The teacher prevented (A) / the boys (B) / to go there. (C) /
No Error (D) . [SSC CGL 03-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C

Q55. The book, being written (A) / in simple language, is
suitable for children (B) / as it contains many good advices.
(C) / No error (D) . [03-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C

Q56. You are the man (A) / who have (B) / spoiled it (C) / No
error (D) . [SSC CGL 03-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B

Q57. Everyday new inventions (A) / is make (B) / for the good
of humanity (C) / No error (D) . [ 03-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B

Q58. Considering the (A) / gravity of the problems (B) / an
early reply has expected (C) / No Error (D) . [SSC CGL 04-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: C

Q59. The Statesman has the (A) / larger circulation (B) / of all
English dailies (C) / No Error (D) . [ 04-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B

Q60. I am very anxious (A) / to know how are you (B) / and
mother are doing (C) / No Error (D) . [SSC CGL 04-09-2016]
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: B

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