SSC CHSL 2017 One Word Substitution with explanation

Q.71.To have a strong emotional effect on.
1) to smother
2) to yield
3) to overwhelm
4) to forfeit
Correct Answer: to overwhelm
Explanation: – smother – गला घोंटना, choke. Yield – उपज, produce. Overwhelm – अभिभूत करना, to affect someone’s emotions in a very powerful way. Forfeit- अधिकार खो देना, जुर्माना देना . Roshan felt an overwhelming desire to return home.

Q.72. Tending to hang loosely.
1) to attenuate
2) to enfeeble
3) prostrate
4) to flop
Correct Answer: to flop
Explanation: – attenuate – दुर्बल होनाweaken, sicken, languish. Enfeeble – make weak or feeble.
Prostrate -पराजित, beaten, completely helpless, especially with distress (पीड़ा)or exhaustion.
Flop – गिर पड़ना, Sit or lie down heavily and suddenly, especially when very tired.
He went home and flopped into a chair.

Q.73. Very poor or bad.
1) gnarly
2) bully
3) lousy
4) rad
Correct Answer: lousy
Explanation: – gnarly – difficult, dangerous, or challenging. Bully – अत्याचारी, तानाशाह,persecutor, oppressor, tyrant.
Lousy – घटिया, inferior. Rad -extremely exciting or very good.
He blamed her for a lousy tour.

SSC CHSL 2017 One Word Substitution 24-January-2017
Q.74. A formal agreement between individuals or parties.
1) protocol
2) norm
3) league
4) pact
Correct Answer: pact
Explanation: – protocol – नवाचार, novation, etiquette. Norm – नियम. League – संघ, union.
Pact – संधि, alliance, treaty. दोनों देशों ने एक गैर-आक्रमण संधि पर हस्ताक्षर किए।
The two countries signed a non-aggression pact.

75.a piece of living tissue that is transplanted surgically.
1) hybrid
2) bud
3) scion
4) graft
Correct Answer: graft
Explanation: – hybrid -a thing made by combining two different elements. Bud – कली.
Scion – वंशज, descendant. Graft – कलम लगाना, implant.

24-January-2017 cut up (food, especially meat) into very small pieces
1) to crumble
2) to chop
3) to mince
4) to grind
Correct Answer: to mince
Explanation: – crumble -टुकड़े टुकड़े करना. Chop – काटना, reap, dissect. Mince -टुकड़ा किया हुआ मांस.
Grind – पीसना, crush.
24-January-2017 make (someone) anxious or unsettled.
1) to pester
2) to perturb
3) to bug
4) to ruffle
Correct Answer: to perturb
Explanation: – pester – trouble or annoy. Perturb – upset. Bug – दोष, guilt, Fault. Ruffle -खलबली मचाना
, disturb the smoothness or tranquillity of.
Q.78.To depart from an established course
1) to deviate
2) to whirl
3) to err
4) to wander
Correct Answer: to deviate
Explanation: – deviate – भटकना, depart from usual or accepted standards. Whirl – Revolve, rotate . Err – भूल करना, make a mistake. Wander – उधर-इधर घूमना, hang about. Those who deviate from society’s values must be brought back into line.
Q.79.To proclaim widely or loudly.
1) to trumpet
2) to herald
3) to manifest
4) to blazon
Correct Answer: to trumpet
Explanation: – proclaim -घोषणा करना, declare, promulgate. Trumpet – ढिंढोरा पीटना. Herald -घोषित करना, denote, अग्र-दूत, harbinger. Manifest -स्पष्ट करना, illuminate. Blazon – चारों ओर फैलाना या प्रचार करना.
The media trumpeted another defeat for the government.
Q.80.A substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs.
1) sedentary
2) placebo
3) lax
4) torpid
Correct Answer: placebo
Explanation: – sedentary – गतिहीन, stagnant, static. Placebo -a substance that has no therapeutic effect, used as a control in testing new drugs. Torpid – उदासीन, indifferent.
81.disgusting and an unpleasant smell.
1) oops
2) ouch
3) darn
4) rancid
Correct Answer: rancid
Explanation: – oops – उफ़. Ouch – आहा. Darn – रफ़ू करना, mend. Rancid – विकृत गंध.
Q.82. A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.
1) agitate
2) fluster
3) stoic
4) upset
Correct Answer: stoic
Explanation: – endure – सहना. Agitate -उत्तेजित करना, incite. Fluster – agitation, confusion.
Stoic –उदासीन, indifferent. The stoic man did not show any sign of joy when he won the biggest lottery in history.
Q. 83. To show approval or praise by clapping.
1) To extol
2) To eulogies
3) To applaud
4) To hail
Correct Answer: To applaud
Explanation: – extol – praise enthusiastically. Eulogies – song of praise. Applaud – वाहवाही देना, cheer, praise by clapping. Hail – नमस्कार करना, greet.
We applaud the company’s efforts to improve safety.
Q.84. (of a cat) to make a low continuous vibratory sound
expressing contentment.
1) to buzz
2) to roar
3) to meow
4) to purr
Correct Answer: to purr
Explanation: – buzz – भनभनाना. Roar – गर्जन, thunder. Meow – म्याऊँ-म्याऊँ करना.
Purr – (of a cat) make a low continuous vibratory sound expressing contentment.
Q.85. A period of time during which a person that might have a disease is kept away from other people so that the disease cannot spread
1) solitude
2) seclusion
3) quarantine
4) desolate
Correct Answer: quarantine
Explanation: – solitude – loneliness. Seclusion – the state of being private and away from other people.
Quarantine – पृथक करना. Desolate -निर्जन करना, desolate, devastate.
Q. 86. A heavy blow, or the sound of such a blow.
1) lop
2) slop
3) flop
4) whop
Correct Answer: whop
Explanation :- lop -काट-छांट. Slop – मैला, sewage. Flop –फड़फड़ाहट, नाकामयाबी. Whop- एक भारी झटका, या ऐसे झटका की आवाज़. Ex- A loud whop echoed in the still air.

SSC CHSL 2017 One Word Substitution 29-January-2017
87.Speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner.
1) crucify
2) ignify
3) vilify
4) basify
Correct Answer: vilify
Q.88. A feeling of unease or embarrassment; awkwardness.
1) slag
2) declivity
3) prolapse
4) Discomfiture
Correct Answer: discomfiture
Explanation: – embarrassment –शर्मिंदगी. Awkwardness – भद्दापन, clumsiness. Slag – धातुमल, लावा.
Declivity –ढलान, downhill. Prolapse – slip forward or down. Discomfiture –uneasiness.
Without experiencing discomfiture and setbacks, one can never find success.
Q.89. A small mistake in an agreement or law that gives someone the chance to avoid having to do something
1) loophole
2) ruse
3) ploy
4) Gambit
Correct Answer: loophole
Explanation: – loophole- कानून या नियमों में अस्पष्टता या अपर्याप्तता. Ruse – cunning plan, an action intended to deceive someone, ploy. Gambit – पैंतरेबाज़ी, manoeuvre. एक समझौते या कानून में एक छोटी सी गलती जो किसी को कुछ करने से बचने का मौका देता है
They pay very little tax because of some loopholes in income tax legislation.

Q.90. having or showing an interest in learning things; curious.
1) probe
2) inquisitive
3) speculative
4) Snoop
Correct Answer: inquisitive
Explanation: – probe – छानबीन, scrutiny, screening. Inquisitive –जिज्ञासु, curious. Speculative –काल्पनिक, suppositional, hypothetical. Snoop – गुप्तचर, detective, spy.
Children are usually inquisitive.

Q.91. To increase rapidly in number; multiply.
1) to proliferate
2) to procreate
3) to propagate
4) to escalate
Correct Answer: to proliferate
Explanation: – proliferate – संख्या में बढ़ना. Procreate- breed. Propagate – spread, broadcast.
Escalate- intensify, make or become more intense or serious.
Small businesses have proliferated in the last few years.

Q. 92. To easily bent; flexible.
1) putty
2) pliable
3) rigid
4) Ductile
Correct Answer: pliable
Explanation: – Putty -जोड़ने का मसाला. pliable -लचीला, flexible, elastic, a person or thing that bends or is easily influenced. Ductile – कोमल, soft.
Rubber gloves are pliable and retain high elasticity.
Q. 93. Involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering.
1) tragic
2) fatal
3) catastrophic
4) Pathetic
Correct Answer: catastrophic
Explanation: -tragic – sad, दुःखद . Fatal – घातक . Catastrophic – प्रलयंकर, calamitous, devastating.
Pathetic – निराश, desperate.
Some people become hopeless after growing old or experiencing catastrophic illnesses.

Q. 94. A small, non-rigid airship or dirigible, especially one used chiefly for observation.
1) float
2) poise
3) bob
4) blimp
Correct Answer: blimp
Explanation: – blimp – एक छोटा वायुयान

Q.95. To be full of or covered with a mass of small bubbles.
1) scintillating
2) brew
3) frothy
4) aerated
Correct Answer: frothy
Explanation: – frothy – झागदार.

Q .96. Comment added to a text or diagram.
1) lexicon
2) thesaurus
3) terminology
4) annotation
Correct Answer: annotation
Explanation: -lexicon – शब्दकोश,dictionary, thesaurus थसॉरस / थिसॉरस. Terminology – शब्दावली, vocabulary.
Annotation – टिप्पणी, comment, note, remark.

Q.97. A soldier or sailor, who rebels or refuses to obey the orders of a person in authority.
1) radical
2) anarchist
3) mutineer
4) Revolutionary
Correct Answer: mutineer
Explanation: – Rebel – विद्रोह करना. Radical – fundamental, मौलिक . Anarchist –अराजकतावादी.
Mutineer –विद्रोही, insurgent. Revolutionary – परिवर्तनवादी . ऐनर्किस्ट
The bigoted demands of mutineers were refused by the government.

Q.98. An unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.
1) reverberation
2) backlash
3) flak
4) Repercussion
Correct Answer: repercussion
The pay cuts are likely to have serious repercussions on productivity.

Q.99. A person who is lazy and has low standards of cleanliness.
1) hog
2) slob
3) swine
4) Brute
Correct Answer: slob
Explanation: – hog –सूअर, a greedy person. Slob – sluggish person. Swine –pig.
Brute – a cruel or insensitive person. I am not interested in making friendship with that slob person.

Q.100. To exclude from a society or group.
1) to ostracize
2) to deport
3) to boycott
4) to snub
Correct Answer: to ostracize
Explanation: – ostracize- excommunicate. Deport – expel (a foreigner) from a country, banish.
Boycott – refuse. Snub- rebuff.
Many people do not like inter-caste marriage because they fear being ostracized.

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