SSC CHSL 2016-17 Idiom & Phrase

18 -January-2017
Q.41.To put the cat among the pigeons
1) To hunt easy prey
2) To be different in a group where everybody is alike
3) To do something that is likely to cause controversy
4) When the entire group feels trapped in a bad situation
Correct Answer: (3)
Explanation: – खलबली मचा देना. कुछ ऐसा करने जो विवाद का कारण बन सकता है.
ex- The information of deducting 15% of salary packages of all the employees set the cat among the pigeons.

18 -January-2017
Q.42. To shoot the breeze
1) To do random acts hoping one will be successful
2) To have a casual conversation
3) To release stomach gases
4) To brag about some mild achievement
Correct Answer: (2)
Explanation: – एक आरामदायक बातचीत करना, बेकार समय व्यतीत करना
Ex:-Instead of shooting the breeze for so long, you should start doing something useful.

18 -January-2017
Q.43. The best of both worlds
1) To live like a saint so that you are the best in the living world as well as the heavens
2) To be lucky in life as well as in death
3) The benefits of widely differing situations, enjoyed at the same time
4) To be popular amongst both the opposing groups
Correct Answer: (3)
Explanation: – widely भिन्न स्थितियों के लाभ, एक ही समय में लेना.
ex- She is enjoying the best of both worlds. She keeps eating and never gets fat.

18 -January-2017
Q.44. To take the cake
1) To have something unexpectedly good to eat
2) To get a lovely gift
3) To grab the prize before others
4) To be especially good; outstanding
Correct Answer: (4)
Explanation: – खास होना
ex- I’ve won many awards, but this one takes the cake.

19 -January-2017
Q.45. Ignorance is bliss
1) Lack of knowledge is a curse
2) Sometimes it is better for you if you do not know all the facts
3) Fools believe they know more than the wise
4) To be truly happy one should ignore everything else
Correct Answer: (2)
Explanation:- अगर आप किसी चीज के बारे में नहीं जानते हैं, तो आपको इसके बारे में चिंता करने की जरूरत नहीं होती या कभी-कभी यह आपके लिए बेहतर होता है यदि आप सभी तथ्यों को नहीं जानते हैं
Ex:-Sometimes I decide to ignore the news for a few days because Ignorance is bliss.
Bliss – आनंद

19 -January-2017
Q. 46. Have a blast
1) A party with very loud music
2) To have peace amidst noise
3) To have a lot of fun
4) An explosion of happiness
Correct Answer: To have a lot of fun

19 -January-2017
Q47.Crocodile tears
1) To feel sad for another person’s misfortunes
2) To laugh so much that your eyes start to water
3) A person whose sadness is never noticed
4) Expressions of sorrow that are insincere
Correct Answer: Expressions of sorrow that are insincere
Explanation:- झूठी आंसू बहाना

19 -January-2017
Q48. Chink in one’s armour
1) A spotless shield tells that the person has not yet fought any war
2) A small crack if not repaired will break the shield
3) An area of vulnerability
4) One’s primary defence system against loss or injury
Correct Answer: An area of vulnerability

20 -January-2017
Q49. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
1) The world is beautiful if one can see it that way
2) To see only beautiful things if one wants to make his life beautiful
3) That which one person finds beautiful or admirable may not appeal to another
4) For an infatuated person even bad qualities of the beloved appear good
Correct Answer: That which one person finds beautiful or admirable may not appeal to another

20 -January-2017
Q50. Necessity is the mother of invention
1) solution to a problem is easy if one is sufficiently desperate
2) great inventions happen only if you are desperate
3) there is always a mother behind every great scientist who has invented something
4) when the need for something becomes essential, you are forced to find ways of getting it
Correct Answer: when the need for something becomes essential, you are forced to find ways of getting it

20 -January-2017
Q51. By the seat of one’s pants
1) When one is saved in the nick of time
2) Your future depends on what choices you make now
3) To do it using only one’s own experience and judgment
4) Nothing worthwhile can be achieved if you sit in one place
Correct Answer: To do it using only one’s own experience and judgment

20 -January-2017
Q.52.Discretion is the greater part of valour
1) To be brave in any situation
2) Caution is preferable to rash bravery
3) A genuinely brave person is always humble
4) If you are over-cautious then you cannot achieve great things
Correct Answer: (2)
Explanation: – सावधानी बहादुरी से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है. Caution is more important than bravery.
Ex- I know you want to try a new venture, but remember
that discretion is the greater part of valour.
Discretion –विवेक. Rash – उतावला

20 -January-2017
Q.53.Too many cooks spoil the broth
1) it is always better to do a job independently
2) asking many people for advice will cause confusion, and the decision will never be made
3) if too many people are involved in a task or activity, it will not be done well
4) food is always cooked better if one person cooks it
Correct Answer: (3)
Explanation: – यदि बहुत से लोग किसी कार्य या गतिविधि में शामिल हैं, तो यह अच्छी तरह से नहीं किया जाएगा.
Ex:- Don’t hire so many staffs because too many cooks always spoil the broth.

Q. 54. Easy come, easy go
1) if you forcibly tie up a person in a relationship that person will run away
2) no matter what, one should never lose temper
3) every task is easy for a talented person
4) something acquired without effort may be lost without regret
Correct Answer: (4)
Explanation : – प्रयास किए बिना प्राप्त किए गए कुछ चीज़ों को अफसोस के बिना खोया जा सकता है. This saying is often used after something has been lost.
ex- I lost the fifty dol­lars I won in the gambling, re­ally easy come, easy go.

Q.55. To spill the beans
1) To reveal secret information unintentionally
2) To lose inherited wealth
3) To spread rumours to intentionally harm someone
4) To spend away hard earned savings
Correct Answer: (1)
Explanation: – गुप्त जानकारी को अनजाने में प्रकट करना.
Ex- Be careful don’t spill the beans. It is very important for me.

21 -January-2017
Q.56. To spin one’s wheels
1) to take a chance
2) to do a job quickly
3) to narrate someone a confusing story
4) to waste one’s time
Correct Answer: (4)
Explanation: – अपना समय बर्बाद करना. to engage in fruitless activity
Ex- I’m just spinning my wheels in this job for a long time.

21 -January-2017
Q. 57. To jump ship
1) Climbing the career ladder
2) To jump to grab an opportunity
3) To leave an organization
4) To renounce great wealth
Correct Answer: (3)
Ex- I can’t believe you resigned and jumped ship before being promoted to a higher rank.

21 -January-2017
Q.58. To kick the bucket
1) to get angry
2) to die
3) to fall ill
4) to get hurt
Correct Answer: to die
Explanation: – निधन होना, to pass away .
Ex:- I have decided to donate my organs when I kick the bucket.

21 -January-2017
Q.59. A rich source of something
1) antecedent
2) lode
3) node
4) provenience
Correct Answer: lode

22 -January-2017
Q. 60. X marks the spot
1) A very popular place
2) Not to tell others of a fantastic discovery
3) The exact location
4) A secret hideout
Correct Answer: (3)
Explanation:- सटीक स्थान
Ex- We looked at the Google map that X marked the spot where we met long time ago.

22 -January-2017
Q.61. You can say that again
1) To challenge someone
2) To express agreement
3) To politely ask someone to repeat
4) A favourite story
Correct Answer: (2)
Explanation: – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति या लोगों के समूह के साथ सहमत होना. To express accordance with another person’s views.
EX- I told him how stupid his decision of leaving the current job was. He replied you could say that again.

Q.62. The elephant in the room
1) A very fat man
2) When a big person is finally trapped
3) An obvious problem that no one wants to discuss
4) One person who is strong enough to defeat everybody else
Correct Answer: (3)
Explanation: – एक स्पष्ट समस्या जिसे कोई भी चर्चा करना नहीं चाहता है.
Ex- The growing population is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about.

22 -January-2017
Q.63. To make from scratch
1) The universe was created out of nothing
2) To do something from the beginning
3) To build something out of nothing
4) One scratch if neglected will destroy the structure eventually
Correct Answer: (2)
Ex- He made his own business firm from scratch.

Q.64. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em
1) Many times those who fight eventually become best of friends
2) If one has to give up fighting with some group because one can’t win, band together with them
3) Not to hurt others. Instead, be friends with them.
4) To fight till you get acceptance to a group which does not initially accept you as a member
Correct Answer: – (2)
Explanation: – अगर किसी को कोई समूह से लड़ना छोड़ना है क्योंकि वह जीत नहीं सकता है, उनके साथ बैंड बनाओ. If you can’t beat them, join them.
Ex- It is third time he challenged you, you should decide if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

Q.65. All good things must come to an end
1) Even enjoyable experiences cannot last for ever
2) A good story should always have a happy ending
3) The world will be destroyed one day
4) Only bad things can continue forever. Life of good things feel short.
Correct Answer: (1)
Explanation: – सुखद अनुभव हमेशा के लिए नहीं रह सकते हैं
Ex- College was the best time of my life but then all good things must come to an end.

Q.66. barking up the wrong tree
1) One should ignore those who keep harassing them
2) To say something wrong to a person who has always been kind to you
3) Scolding a thick skinned person will cause no improvement
4) To be pursuing a misguided line of course of action
Correct Answer: (4)
Explanation: – गलतफ़हमी में होना.
Ex- If you think you will solve the problem by following those steps, you are barking up the wrong tree.

Q.67. Back to the drawing board
1) To solve a problem one has to go back to the root cause
2) An inventive person will find fresh ways to solve a problem
3) An idea has been unsuccessful and that a new one must be devised
4) An artist is always happy if he gets a chance to go back to painting
Correct Answer: (3)
Explanation: – एक विचार असफल रहा है और एक नया डिज़ाइन किया जाना चाहिए.
Ex- My plan could not succeed this time, so I’m back to the drawing board.

Q.68. blood is thicker than water 23-January-2017
1) relations are more important than merit
2) all crimes are not equal so punishment for murder is not same as that of theft
3) family relationships and loyalties are the strongest and most important ones
4) deceit from a family member hurts more than being cheated by strangers
Correct Answer : (3)
Explanation: -परिवार के रिश्तों और वफादारी सबसे मजबूत और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण हैं.
Ex- When we get into trouble, usually our family will come in support not friends. After all, blood is thicker than water.

23 -January-2017
Q.69. Once in a blue moon
1) an imaginary situation
2) feeling sad
3) a beautiful sight
4) to happen very rarely
Correct Answer: (4)
Explanation: -ऐसा कुछ जो शायद ही कभी या बहुत कम होता है.
Ex- I think my grandson doesn’t care for me, he comes to see me only once in a blue moon.

23 -January-2017
Q.70. A fool and his money are easily parted
1) a foolish person spends money carelessly and will soon be penniless
2) a miser will eventually lose all his money due to one foolish mistake
3) a foolish person will never be able to get rich
4) a rich person should be smart enough to avoid people who will fool him for his wealth
Correct Answer: (1)
Explanation: – एक मूर्ख व्यक्ति लापरवाही से पैसा खर्च करता है और जल्द ही वह गरीब हो जाता है.
Ex- He was cheated several times since a fool and his money are easily parted.

23 -January-2017
Q.71. All bark and no bite
1) Children should only be scolded but never beaten
2) To be full of big talk but lacking action
3) The person who appears most scary will help you the most
4) A person who talks a lot will never harm you
Correct Answer: (2)
Explanation: – बड़ी बात से भरा हुआ हो लेकिन कार्रवाई की कमी होना.
Ex- His boss had threatened to fire him, but he did not care much. He knew it was all bark and no bite.

24 -January-2017
Q.72. backseat driver
1) A person who keeps giving advice to others for things that they are not responsible
2) The one who is sitting in the back seat behaves like a boss
3) The real power lies in the hands of those who control the strings
4) The puppet dances to the actions of the puppeteer
I cannot stand with those who are backseat driver to me.
Correct Answer: (1)
Explanation: – गलत सलाह देने वाला व्यक्ति.
Ex- I cannot stand with those who are backseat driver to me.

Q.73. Back to square one
1) Remembering one’s past makes one humble
2) To be back to where one started, with no progress having been made
3) To become friends once again with a person with whom you had a fight
4) To apologize for one’s past actions
Correct Answer: (2)
Explanation: – वापस वहा जाना जहां शुरू किया बिना किसी प्रगति के.
Ex – We’ll have to go back to square one if we get refusal by the board members.

Q. 74. An arm and a leg
1) a large, possibly exorbitant, amount of money
2) a highly motivated person can succeed even with few resources
3) one loves a person so much that one is willing to sacrifice his most precious things for them
4) all children are equal for a mother. She can’t sacrifice anyone.
Correct Answer: (1)
Explanation: – एक अत्यधिक बड़ी राशि.
Ex – This hotel lets you experience luxury without having to pay an arm and a leg.

Q.75. An axe to grind
1) preparing for a fight
2) to have a problem with something or someone
3) some important task to do
4) one’s skill should always be practiced or their edge becomes blunt

Correct Answer: (2)

24 -January-2017
Q.76. All in the same boat.
1) staying together is the secret to successfully navigating the ups and downs of life
2) In a group, one’s situation is tied up with the situation of the rest.
3) There is false sense of safety in a large group
4) To be in the same unpleasant situation as other people
Correct Answer: (4)
Explanation: – अन्य लोगों के समान अप्रिय स्थिति में होना. Facing the same challenges as others.
Ex – I know this is difficult work, but we are all in the same boat , so we’ll have to support one another.

24 -January-2017
Q. 77. All Greek to me
1) The new person in a group gets the most attention
2) Learning a new language is very difficult
3) Saying that one does not understand something that is said or written
4) Everything is new when one is in a new country
Correct Answer: (3)
Explanation: – ऐसा कुछ जिसे आप नहीं समझते. something that you do not understand.
Ex – Don’t try to explain me scientific rules; it would be all Greek to me.

Q.78. At the drop of a hat
1) to challenge someone
2) to give up very easily
3) to pick a fight for small reasons
4) without hesitation or good reason
Correct Answer: (4)
Explanation: – देरी के बिना or किसी भी झिझक के बिना
Ex – I do not allow my son to watch horror movies because he cries at the drop of a hat.

Q.79. Apple of my eye
1) every thing looks enticing to a hungry person
2) a very pleasant thing to watch
3) someone that one cherishes above all others
4) the ugliest child is still pretty for a mother
Correct Answer: (3)
Explanation: – कोई व्यक्ति या कुछ चीज जो बहुत कीमती है.
Ex – I have Ex – Many friends of my college time, but Suresh is the apple of my eye.
(Cherish – love, care very much for)

Q.80. No man is an island
1) a man is self sufficient only when he gets married
2) no one is self-sufficient; everyone relies on others
3) nobody prefers to live alone
4) to not marry is like living on an island
Correct Answer: (2)
Explanation: – कोई भी आत्मनिर्भर नहीं है; हर कोई दूसरों पर निर्भर करता है.
Ex – She tried doing it all by herself but could not complete on time because no man is an island.

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